Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Some Facebook cross-posting...

As anyone on Facebook is aware, everytime you log in it seems another poll/questionaire is circulating.. Here is a recent one that turned up; one I actually took time to complete!

Think of 15 albums, CDs or LPs that had such a profound effect on you they changed your life. Dug into your soul. Music that brought you to life when you heard it. Royally affected you, kicked you in the ass, socked you in the gut. Then when you finish, tag others, including me. Make sure you copy and paste this part so they know the drill. It's typically not my schtick to send these things out, but I'm interested in hearing from my music aficionado friends out there.

2.Blondie- EAT TO THE BEAT
3.David Bowie DAVID LIVE
4.Elvis Presley- THE SUN SESSIONS
5.The Pretenders PRETENDERS
7.The Beach Boys- ENDLESS SUMMER
8.Donna Summer- BAD GIRLS
12. Pet Shop Boys- BEHAVIOUR
13. Squeeze- SINGLES (45s and Under)
14. Bruce Springsteen- THE RIVER

Early Beatles killed/ early British Invasion less than ten years after Elvis made it okay to be a bit "dangerous", (and admittedly kept the spotlight from peers Eddie Cochran and Gene Vincent). As the Beatles cashed in on their mania, and veered off track to make groundbreaking and seminal LPs just two years after their US debut, my own interest waned (Am I alone here?). The Beach Boys were CONSTANTLY on my turntable growing up, too, and as I grew to like what was current, I went for Bowie and Alice Cooper. Theatrics aside, they made cool records that went against the grain. probably the first iconic frontpersons that really grabbed me. Disco was my Motown, thanks to when I was born. Plenty of crap, but lots of brilliance too. Donna Summer and Giorgio Moroder merged commerce and art with a nod to the future (I Feel Love, etc). Bad Girls managed to merge dance with rock, and she was never better. Pop radio was nuts and incredibly corny back then (although I get a kick out of a lot of it in retrospect, back then it could be tortuous). Thanks to the Ramones, adrenalin was back if you wanted it. Pop and punk blended seamlessly... The Clash went further, and London Calling is still one of the best LPs ever. Blondie did it for me in a big way, and after Parallel Lines made them global phenoms, the follow up EAT TO THE BEAT is a more exciting and representative album of the band at the time. Chrissie Hynde was/is the coolest rock chick ever, and the Pretenders' first two albums are incredible... Madonna defined much of the 80s for me, hence the hits collection- Love her or hate her, that amazing string of singles cannot be denied. has nothing to do with her persona. What else... The GoGos debut remains my fave debut record EVER/ every song is more infectious than the last, and I loved how the production smoothed punk origins (love that) to giddy radio powerpop (love that TOO!). The Squeeze hits collection I included is very similar. A good hook and chorus can never be valued enough... Always loved Sinatra, and this LP made me dig back further, and opened my eyes and ears to stuff that most kids weren't listening to. Whatever makes you want to explore MORE is the sign of something great. Is that all of them? THE RIVER-- My fave Bruce record, a double LP (Christmas, 1981), that is him at his zenith...