Friday, August 1, 2008

August 1

August already. The non-Summer is hitting its final stretch. This time last year I was wrapped up in the closing of my business (and all that entails), had just moved to the South Shore, and had yet to sign on at my current employers. The past year has proven to be the longest (and, at times, the fastest) 12 months I’ve yet to experience. A lot has happened, some good (and some very bad). Have grown apart from some people, and gotten closer with others, and have seen people at their best and at their worst…
I know this isn’t the calendar year, but to me it feels like the beginning of Book Two/ Chapter Two. Not sure how this book is gonna end yet, but there were twists along the way that I didn’t see coming, a few heroes, some villains, and plenty of drama. (Should make for a fairly quick beach read, regardless)

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