Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hosting some family...

A year after my father's memorial service, we were able to host my sister and her husband here in Boston (their first visit back since 2001). It was great to reunite under a circumstance that wasn't centered around deaths or funerals, and it was fun to be on home turf (although we were saddled with some pretty crappy weather). It also hadn't really occurred to me until after they had left that they had only stayed with me once before, all the way back in 1996 when my nieces were very young. This time, it was just the two of them... A nice long visit for them split divided into equal parts work, visits with old friends, and the final few days with Greg and me. Since they left I have thrown myself into my new position at my new office, and cant believe April is already over. Its been a quick month!

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